Welcome to International Unina site

International agreements

The University of Naples Federico II has over 2000 agreements with foreign universities.

See the map to find out which universities are involved.

History & Origins

It is one of the oldest universities to be founded by a head of State while other educational institutions by and large were a product of corporate initiatives.

The king’s objective was to create an institution of higher learning that would put an end to the predominance of the universities of northern Italy, most notably those of Bologna and Padua, which were considered either too independent or under the strong influence of the Pope…

Welcome desk

The service, offered on behalf of the University of Naples Federico II, is free of charge

Issuance of the Tax Code (Codice Fiscale) for International guests and Students

CLA - University Language Centre

The University Language Center promotes interculturality and contributes to the development of multilingualism. It offers its services to students enrolled at the Federiciano university as well as to doctoral students and trainees, full professors and researchers, T.A. and auxiliary

SINAPSI - Services for the Active and Participatory Inclusion of Students

SInAPSi is the University centre for all the students who feel excluded from the university life because of disability, Specific Learning Disorders (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthography, dyscalculia) or temporary difficulties. It provides services and supports initiatives to facilitate the participation of all the students in university life. The centre cooperates with University structures to ensure accessibility of the environments.

CUG – Comitato Unico di garanzia

CUG – Comitato Unico di Garanzia is the guarantee committee for equal opportunities, employee well-being, and non-discrimination in the workplace.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The university pre-enrolment application is the first step to be taken by a candidate for a university course in Italy in order to apply for a visa for study purposes at an Italian diplomatic representation.

This “pre-enrolment application” is made exclusively through the Universitaly portal. The “university pre-enrolment” procedure is different and distinct from that of “enrolment”, which will take place subsequently and on the basis of procedures within each individual university, without the involvement of diplomatic representations.

University pre-enrolment is a compulsory procedure, which is the responsibility of the Embassy and precedes the phase of issuing the study visa and the university enrolment phases; it concerns foreign students abroad and must be concluded before the student’s enrolment procedure at the chosen university. Enrolment is the procedure for registering the student and is the responsibility of the University and is concluded after the pre-enrolment and visa issuing phases.

Now you have to wait for a communication from the University confirming your application. In case documents are missing, you will receive a request for supplementation.

An international certificate attesting your level of knowledge of the English language (IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge, etc.) is useful for the issue of the visa by the diplomatic/consular representation.

You can pre-register for several courses at the same time, there is no maximum number to be respected. However, some groups of courses are accessed through the same selection process and you can therefore only apply for a certain number of courses (preferences).

If you choose a three-year degree course, magistral degree course or single-cycle magistral degree course in italian, a B2 level Italian language proficiency is required (see more:

If you have chosen a course of study in English, you are not required to have level B2 Italian language skills.

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