Visiting Professors

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Fulbright – Fondazione CON IL SUD Award for Teaching/Research in All Disciplines Award #10573 Grant Category: Teaching/Research

Number of Awards: Three grants

Discipline and specialization: Applications are sought in all appropriate disciplines.

Specializations: all disciplines, with strong preference for projects in science and technology.

Grant period and activity: Five to Six months. Grants must begin any time after September 1, 2020 and must be completed by June 30, 2021. Grant dates to be arranged with host institution. Possible exceptions should be agreed with the host institution.

To lecture and conduct research. During the Fulbright grant, the scholar may be also invited to take part in academic meetings, conferences, seminars and other program-related activities organized by Italian or European universities, under the Fulbright Inter-Country Program

Locations: One of the 23 universities located in the six Regions in the South of Italy: Campania, Puglia, Calabria, Sardegna, Basilicata or Sicilia. The aim of this award is promoting a better knowledge of the South of Italy and promoting knowledge exchange and research in South-related issues at universities in the South of Italy.

Qualifications: Open to academics only. Open to faculty of all academic ranks. PhD (or other terminal degree such as MFA, JD, or MD) required.

Language: Italian language fluency may be required for teaching, depending on the potential host university’s preference.

Italian language fluency sufficient to complete the research project. Conversational Italian is helpful even for those who will be able to teach in English.

Letter of Invitation and project proposal: Candidates must arrange affiliation and include letter of invitation from the host institution in support of the candidacy.

It is advisable that the letter include: a description of the teaching proposal/research project and other scientific/academic activities for which the candidate is invited by the host institution  a description of the host’s interest in the proposal and how it will benefit the host institution name of the inviting faculty/researcher with whom the candidate will collaborate  the start date and length of the academic activity  a description of facilities and resources offered by the host institution (i.e. laboratories, equipment, libraries, archives, computing and IT facilities, logistic support, other facilities)

The letter should be preferably written by the Dean of the Faculty/Head of the Department or Director of the inviting institution and/or by the inviting professor.

Affiliation with a university in the South of Italy is encouraged. Grantees will be required to live in the city where the host institution is located.

Award benefits: Each grant amounts to € 25.000. This sum includes a stipend of € 23.900 and a travel allowance of € 1.100.

The grantee will be covered by Health and Accident Insurance for the whole grant period, provided to participants in the Fulbright cultural exchange Program by the United States Department of State. How to apply: Fulbright Scholar Awards to Italy are assigned through an annual competition administered at the national level in the US by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars – CIES in Washington DC, in collaboration with the Fulbright Commission in Italy. Potential candidates can apply online through CIES (

Information on the Fulbright US Scholar Program, catalogue of awards, eligibility requirements, tips, guidelines and resources for applying, review criteria, selection and competition timeline is available on CIES website at

Application Deadline: Monday, September 16, 2019

Fondazione CON IL SUD was established in the 2006 as an alliance between bank foundations and the voluntary, non-profit sector with the aim of promoting the civic, economic and social development of the South of Italy. Information on the Foundation can be found at (http://www.

For information about the grant, please contact Fulbright Commission

staff: Commissione per gli Scambi Culturali fra l’Italia e gli Stati Uniti The US – Italy Fulbright Commission Via Castelfidardo 8 – 00185 Rome Italy

Barbara Pizzella, Senior Program Officer – ph. +39 – 06-48882116 Further Information

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