
Buon Compleanno Federico II, 1224-2024

L’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II celebra i suoi 800 anni dalla fondazione, avvenuta il 5 giugno 1224, con un fitto calendario di eventi che vede insieme la comunità federiciana, i suoi studenti e importanti personalità del panorama nazionale che hanno voluto festeggiare con la città l’importante anniversario. Un percorso che è iniziato con

Buon Compleanno Federico II, 1224-2024 Leggi tutto »

Training School “Natural products in antiparasitic drug discovery: experimental and computational approaches”

June 18-20, Department of Pharmacy, University of Naples Federico II  Natural products in antiparasitic drug discovery: experimental and computational approaches is a training school in the frame of “COST Action CA21111 One Health Drug Against parasitic vector Borne Diseases in Europe and Beyond” designed for PhD students and young researchers. Its scope is to build

Training School “Natural products in antiparasitic drug discovery: experimental and computational approaches” Leggi tutto »

800 International 27 March 2024

“800 International” is the event organised by Vivi Federico II, in collaboration with the Centro Linguistico di Ateneo, Sinapsi and DiARC; an opportunity for multicultural growth, in which students from different countries tell their stories and confront each other, sharing different languages, ideas and perspectives. The event, which is part of the celebrations dedicated to

800 International 27 March 2024 Leggi tutto »

Italian film CLAb

Vedremo film in italiano con sottotitoli e ne parleremo insieme! Destinatari: studenti stranieri dell’Ateneo e ai partecipanti al Tandem Linguistico (posti limitati con prenotazione obbligatoria via Google Forms) Dove e quando: ore 14.30 – Centro Linguistico di Ateneo, via Mezzocannone 8, IV piano – Aula M9M10 Per info: Per prenotarsi*: *è necessario prenotarsi

Italian film CLAb Leggi tutto »

Italian Language Courses Level A2 and B1 (50 hours)

Dr. Anna Baldan Who can enroll and requirements: Foreign students enrolled (students, master’s, specialization, postgraduate and doctoral) at the University of Naples “Federico II” who already have an A1 level (to ccess the A2 course) A2 level (to access the B1 course). Placement test: The test will take place on FORMS: once registration has closed,

Italian Language Courses Level A2 and B1 (50 hours) Leggi tutto »

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