
The APPLE DEVELOPER ACADEMY  stems from a partnership between the University of Napoli Federico II and the multinational technology company, Apple. The program focuses on software development, startup creation and app design with an emphasis on creativity and collaboration, which provides students with the skills they need in order to succeed in this continually evolving field. The Academy aims to attract students from a wide range of backgrounds to begin training which is designed to support not only those with computer science experience but also those who are interested in areas such as design and business. web site


Generated from a partnership between CiscoŽ Networking Academy and University of Napoli Federico II, this initiative combines the training opportunities of CISCO courses with a co-innovation center for companies. The training courses are focused on Internet of things, Cyber security and Network technologies

The DIGITA ACADEMY is a collaboration between the University of Naples Federico II and Deloitte, a consulting and auditing services company.

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“FS Mobility Academy” is a training course initiated from a partnership between FS Italiane S.p.A. and the University of Naples Federico II, aimed at the qualification and training of students. This course is oriented to transfer methodologies, techniques and knowledge in the field of technology for the development and management of inter-modal transport systems. web site

The CORE ACADEMY. Conversion and Resilience Academy scaturisce dalla collaborazione dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II con KPMG Advisory, DXC Technology, Exprivia. CoreAcademy si propone di realizzare un’esperienza formativa che possa contribuire, in termini di costruzione di competenze, capitale umano e soluzioni, all’innovazione del servizio pubblico orientata alla “resilienza trasformativa del sistema economico”. La prima edizione si focalizza sull’ambito sanitario, raccogliendo la sfida e gli stimoli posti anche dalla crisi pandemica Covid-19.

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