DICEA, Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering of Federico II, announces ten scholarships from the sum of 800 euros each to support Italian and foreign PhD students who intend to participate in the first edition of the Mediterranean PhD School, organized as part of the project \”Department of Excellence\”. This year the School will focus on the following theme: \”Impacts of Climate Change and Sustainable Engineering Responses\” and will be held in Naples, in Piazzale Tecchio, during the week of 7-12 October 2019.
The lessons will be held by 22 internationally acclaimed speakers from various European countries and by some teachers of the Department. In this way, DICEA intends to become a point of contact for Mediterranean countries on the disciplines of its competence and to attract and involve young foreign researchers in its research.
The call for grants expires on 25 June 2019.
All the information regarding the initiative can be found at the link.