Being Awarded an ERC at the Federico II University

Thursday 15 April 10.00-13.00 (CET)
Microsoft Teams: rycfa65

Lorenzo Marrucci, Research Delegate of the University and ERC AdG
Maria La Sala, Office for the Support to Research
Marco Ferraro, Italian contact point for EU funding (APRE)
Roberta Marchetti, Department of Chemistry and ERC StG
Maria Chiara Scappaticcio, Department of Humanities and ERC StG
Paolo Netti, Department of Chemical, Materials and Production Engineering
and ERC panelist
With the kind participation of:
David Krása, Head of Sector European Research Council Executive Agency
Pasquale Maffia, Department of Pharmacy
Maria Chiara Maiuri, Department of Pharmacy
Alfonso De Simone, Department of Pharmacy and ERC CoG


Further information

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