16th Edition of Foreign Language Films Season at the University Federico II Language Centre

16th edition of the University Language Centre season of foreign language films will take place from 15th November 2022 to 16th May 2023.

Entrance at 5:15 P.M., film will start at 5:30 P.M.

Students enrolled at the University Federico II may obtain credits for taking part in the film season if allowed by their Departments and according to the criteria established by each Department.

Students must register before the film starts and after its end by signing a daily attendance register that will be distribuited in the cinema hall.

The departments and courses of studies that have joined the initiative are:
– the course of study in “Lingue, culture e letterature moderne europee” (Department of Humanities)
– the course of study in “Sviluppo sostenibile e reti territoriali” (Department of Architecture)
– the Department of Social Sciences.

This year, in order to obtain CFUs, it is also possible to attend a showing of one of the titles of the 2022 review “Venezia a Napoli – Il cinema esteso”. For credits send a request by e-mail, no later than 20 October 2022, to 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘱41@𝘨𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘭.𝘤𝘰𝘮 stating your name, surname, student of the University of Naples Federico II enrolled in the CdS **** participating in the XVI CLA foreign lLanguage film season.

The film review is organised by the University Language Centre in collaboration with COINOR, the Goethe Institut, the Master’s Degree Course in Dramaturgy and Cinematography and F2 Radio Lab.

The film season takes place at the Astra cinema, located in via Mezzocannone 109.

All films are in the original language with Italian subtitles.

Free entrance for students.

The Film season is on air, on F2 Radio Lab, every Monday at 11.40 a.m starting from Monday 17th October 2022.

For any information please contact Fabrizia Venuta

or Daniela De Angelis at the Head Office for International Certifications: 081-2534011.

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